WOAH... that was a lot of acronyms! Did you catch all of it? If not... let me better explain.
Today, we will be discussing the Functional Movement Screen and the Titleist Performance Institute.
Here at Tatum Human Performance, we use two screens to help us design your individual program. The Functional Movement Screen is a broad, seven movement screen that identifies any mobility or stability deficiencies. This screen allows us to see any patterns, both proper and improper, in your movement. The Titleist Performance Institute Screen is a more fine assessment and connects results to the golf game. Through this screening, we can discover any missing links. Both screens are necessary as we plan your program because they help us decide what exercises are necessary to keep you most effective and efficient.
Do the best you can in these screens and we will get a better understanding of where you are and where you need to go. Ignite your golf game and we'll see you in the Lab!